Thursday, 27 December 2012

Module 6 - Transforming Learning

Transformative Devices Reading Activity
Its heartening to commence this module with reference to Dr Puentedura's work on the transformative process of iPads and iDevices in education. Since being introduced to this model early in 2012, I have been able to give direction and structure to what I am trying to achieve - both in the classroom and as a member of our eLearning team. Hopefully, as our Stage 3 BYOD project commence in 2013, I will be able to direct my students from substitution to augmentation and beyond.

As part of the 1:1 project, we have constructed a list of apps to be installed by parents as many other teachers have before us. This is a difficult process as I firmly believe that all teachers cannot necessarily work from the same app list. We need to take into account research which has shaped our pedagogies in the past and allow them, e.g. Bloom's Taxonomy, to give structure to our choice in apps.

This list assembled by Kathy Schrock is an excellent example of selecting apps to focus on the specific levels of Bloom's Taxonomy. Over time other apps may fulfill this purpose better or could meet the needs of particular students more appropriately.

Camera Activity
Documenting student's work using an iPad has been the most commonly used feature by teachers who are new users. My first experience using iPad in the classroom involved students preparing an interview about their personal learning goals for 2012 and then recording one another on video. It was highly motivating and rewarding as I watched students collaborating and trouble-shooting to get the best result. Video certainly made easy!

Annotating Activity - Skitch
This activity was fun! I haven't used Skitch before despite having had an Evernote account for quite a while.

Creating a Blog
This blog has been so vital to my learning journey on iPads as it has provided me with a place to reflect, analyse and plan for my future direction. Blogger has a mobile version and like all apps on our phones, it allows the user to blog on the run! Although only a sample of each post is visible - I don't see this as a limitation.

Blogging is a tool I have used with success in the past with my students and 2013 will see our class blog as an integral component of our learning process. While it offers an authentic audience it also shows students first hand the impact of making public (although limited) comments.

iMovie Activity
My class used iMovie to create a small movie about our participation in the school's Veggie Patch project. They took video footage of each other planting, watering & weeding and added dialogue back in the classroom.  We also used Explain Everything constantly to document learning by interviewing one another or annotating a work sample which had been photographed on screen. This has been our most popular app in 2012!

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